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Oceanic-dolphin's Shop

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Welcome to The Story Seed. We hope you like the range of resources :) Twitter: @TinaWr4y




Welcome to The Story Seed. We hope you like the range of resources :) Twitter: @TinaWr4y
Animal Shapes Trace Overs

Animal Shapes Trace Overs

Animals made from simple shapes. Children are to trace around the sides of the shapes. They can colour in the pictures too. There is a line at the top right hand corner of the pages for the children to write their name (you can easily delete them if you don't want them there). In the current format, the pages should be cut in half to form A5 sheets. You can cut and paste the pictures into a new word document and stretch them to fill an A4 page if you like. For updates on my new resources, simply &'like&'; on facebook: www.facebook.com/TheStorySeed